How many videos are available?
Currently there are 250+ with a new, HD 45-60 minute class and “quick” workouts added every week.
Where can I view the videos?
Watch via by signing in on the top right of the on demand page. Another option is to download the Momence app (iOS and Android App Store) and enter “The Good Barre” as host. Both options offer screen casting and full screen options.
Can I cancel my membership anytime?
Yes. Members can cancel their membership anytime. If you do not wish to renew, be sure to cancel before renewal date (if your membership began on the 4th day of the month, it will renew the next month on the 4th) as refunds will not be issued once a renewal has processed. If you would like assistance to cancel your membership, email [email protected].
Can I filter videos to find a specific type of workout?
Easily filter videos to find the perfect workout. Sort by duration, equipment used and/or area(s) of the body.
What should I do if videos are not playing?
If videos are not playing or you are seeing “file is corrupt” this is usually a browser issue. It is easily fixed by following these steps:
- Clear your cache and cookies on your browser. After this, completely reboot the browser.
- Try a different browser.
- Ensure that the web browser is up to date on the latest version.
- Try another device, like another mobile phone or a different computer.
- Try watching on the Momence app. Select The Good Barre as host to view content. This is usually the best step as it rules out device issues.
- Try another internet connection (switching to a cellular network rather than wifi, for example)
- Ensure that you do not have any firewalls or pop up blockers enabled on the device, these can interfere.
If you need help with these steps or if you have persistent technical issues, please contact Momence support via your dashboard.
Is there a program that I can follow to stay consistent?
Yes. Find a curated collection of videos, arranged and dated in order, every Friday morning. The videos are chosen similar to the way I plan in-studio classes, to provide variety and to avoid over or under working muscle groups. Rest days are recommended each week.